Thursday, August 30, 2012

Orang Utan on Fire, Rambutan Tree, Palm Oil Tree or Coconut Tree?

Animal cruelty is unacceptable. Seeing pictures of it will make a person gorge and feels that something right needs to be done. Stop the cruelty. Stop what contributes to it. And this may  lead them to take  "advise" given on how it can stop this injustice act. And not all may have the time, interest to check the fact right, for taking the advise.

I select to blog about this because it was my first time to come across a topic of international conservation (animal, tree, or environment related) jumping to conclusion without getting their facts right and created a celebre. It happened on a facebook web page. Imagine if this has been circulated without people verifying first, what an impact it would have made, and in the case on the palm oil product industries.  

There are a lot of NGOs campaigning of uncontrolled conversion of natural forests to oil palm plantation that destroyed biodiversities and wild life habitats, especially orang utan. There are some facts in that, however in some case it has been misused and misunderstood.

Yesterday, I came across a post of an orang utan that was injured due to fire at palm oil plantation, hereOr at least, that was my first impression on the page when I "click" on my friend  "comment" about it adversely on facebook update column on the right. She said, it was very clear in the picture that is not palm oil tree!  On top of that, on a different picture, the International Animal Rescue Foundation Global Youth Team Project said that it was stuck on a rambutan tree, RAMBUTAN TREE! (=.=)
Photo source : 

What had happened was this orang utan was on the coconut tree for whatever reason and was spotted by the villagers. They tried to get rid of the orang utan by smoking it away, has unfortunately set her alight. The villagers said they had simply been trying to persuade the animal to move away and not to eat their fruit. She was hiding in HER tree when HER habitat had been disturbed. She was hiding in their fruit tree in the village of Lower Wajok in West Kalimantan, Indonesia as they presume her habitat has been disturbed.
Photo source : fbid=356334481116405&set=a.200289630054225.49843.200267936723061&type=3&theater 

And this makes me wonder how  an international animal rescue team can't get their tree facts right!  Its too obvious!
Photo source : 

** FYI, my friend is neither a forester or environmentalist, but who needs to be either one of these professions to identift that is a coconut tree ???

There were several earlier comments on this page (has been deleted) on how oil palm plantation impact that drives the orang utan away from the forest area into the nearby village. And that consumer should be concern and ban using palm oil product. Several concerned  people commented that they will take action on reading the label of their food products, ensuring no palm oil content before purchasing. My friend defended that major palm oil plantation holders vastly in Malaysia and Indonesia through has been certified under Responsible Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), through the  supply chain audit and responsible purchasing were able to ensure their plantation does come from area identified with high conversation value forest area (HCVF). Besides that, orang utan don't like palm oil fruits. 

The orang utan has been rescued by the International Animal Rescue Foundation Global Youth Team Project  team in Indonesia. They done a reasonable job for rescuing the orang utan and hopefully will continue to nurture the orang utan until she is stable; the whole incident can be view on the online news website, here

~Thank you for reading~

** Wondering why there is a good picture of the orang utan on the tree before the fire, then on fire and after fire? The pictures of the whole process.. Hmmm...**

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