Thursday, March 29, 2012

Snap Shots of Plants, Scenery and Nature # 2

This is picture post! Pictures from my recent trip into the forest area. Hope you guys (whoever that reads my blog), arhermm, happy viewing it! :)

I had to hike into this area for about 0.5 hours. All the way hiking, non stop!  And it is tiring  for me. If only this picture can show you guys how steep this area is. 

The gap created within the younger trees served for the purposed activity. Gaps are good for regeneration. Just not too big gap, it will cause "wind" trapped, which can be dangerous.

The left behind trees (biomass). Only if we know what we can do about it besides leaving it behind to fertile the soil.

My biggest excitement in the forest:  my encounter with the big mushroom in the forest!

It is a fungae in the forest. Probably sprout after the rain! And, it looks so delicious, to go with tom yam kung.

This is an unlikely sight for me: abandon log. It take a longer time to decay and fertilize the soil back.
I always like to take photos from below to top of a tree. This is picture of below to top macaranga trees. Isn't It beautiful?

And on the way back to the car, I found 2 big mushrooms growing on the decayed wood. Tummy rumbles!

~Happy Viewing~

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